> (FILEOUT) stage v1.0

Pipelines v1.9


Purpose, Operands, Streams used, Usage notes, Examples, See also





>>__ _>_______ __ __________ __________________________________________________________><
    |_FILEOUT_|  |_filename_|
(1) The filename operand is only allowed if the stage does not have a secondary input
    stream connected.




Use the > stage to create a disk file or replace the contents of a disk file.


> reads records from its primary input stream and writes them to the specified file and to its primary output stream, if it is connected. > appends a Line-Feed character to each output record that it writes to the specified file, primary output stream records are written unchanged. If the specified file does not already exist; > creates a new file containing the records read from its primary input stream. If the specified file already exists, > replaces the contents of the file with the records read from its primary input stream.


When > replaces a file, it writes the records to a temporary work file and after the work file has been successfully written to disk, the target file is erased and the work file is renamed to the specified target filename. If its primary output stream is connected, > copies each output record to its primary output stream. > cannot be specified as the first stage in a pipeline.


When > has a secondary input stream connected, the target filename argument is not allowed. The > stage first reads a record from its secondary input stream, which it treats as the name of the file to which it should write. If the content of the record is different from the previous secondary input stream record, > closes the current output file and opens the new one specified in the record. > next reads a record from its primary input stream, writes this record to the target output file and then writes the record to its primary output stream. This process continues until the end-of-file is reached on the primary input stream.


If you do not specify a fully qualified target filename, the > stage will create a new file in the current working directory.






is the name of the output file.


Streams used


The following streams are used by the > stage:






Primary input stream

> reads records from its primary input stream.

Secondary input stream

> reads records from its secondary input stream, treating the contents of each record as the name of the output file

Primary output stream

> copies its primary input stream records to its primary output stream.


Usage notes



> does not delay the records.



When the > stage opens an output file, the file remains locked against read and write access until the stage ends.



If the output file you specify already exists and the > stage does not receive any records to process, the existing file remains unchanged. An existing file is never replaced by an empty file. Also, if the pipeline is terminated with a CTRL-C before the > stage has completed its processing, an existing file remains unchanged.



When > has its secondary input stream connected, each time it reads a record from its secondary input stream, > compares the contents of the previous record with the contents of the current record, and if they are different, > closes the current output file and opens a new one with the name specified in the current secondary input stream record.



The > stage is designed to allow its secondary input stream to be connected to the secondary output stream of the < (FILEIN) stage. As in the following example:


pipe (endchar ?)
     filelist noh drv=c subdir ext=txt
     | specs w5-* 1
     | a: <
     | specs w2-* 1
     | translate upper 
     | b: >
     | take *
     | b:


The pipeline above traverses all the directories of drive: C and reads each .txt  file and converts the contents to uppercase. The < stage feeds the name of each file it processes to the secondary input stream of the > stage, which simply files back the updated file. Note. This is only an example and should not be run; Pipelines does not issue “are you sure ?” messages!


With this pipeline configuration you can only translate records, you cannot delete records or re-order them. Ie) you should not use any stage which will alter the number or order of the records, for example, you should not use stages such as; LOCATE, SORT or TAKE etc.. If you do, the resulting files will be corrupted.



If you need to process multiple files; where records may be discarded or their output sequence altered, See. Processing multiple files which explains how to do this.



The > stage appends a line feed character to all but the last record that it writes to the specified output file.



The > stage verifies that its secondary output stream is not connected and then begins execution.




The following pipeline reads records from the console and writes them to the file: myfile.txt.


C:\>pipe ”console | > myfile.txt”

See also


Reference the following links for additional information: