NLOCATE stage v1.2

Pipelines v1.9


Purpose, Operands, Streams used, Usage notes, Examples, See also





>>__NLOCate__ _________ __|_____________________|__ __________________ __ _____ _______><
             |_ANYCase_|  |_inputrange__________|  |_STRing__         |  | Set |
                          |   <____________     |  |_________|_string_|
                          |_(__inputrange__|__)_|  |_REGexp__|        |
                                                   |_PATtern_|        |
                                                   |_ANYof___|        |
|__count__|________|__ ___________ _____________________________________________________|
          |_BEFORE_|  |_sepstring_|
(1) If you specify ANYCASE, multiple inputrange operands or any of the string operand 
    operands; you must provide a string to locate.
(2) You cannot specify a Set of records without specifying other operands.




Use the NLOCATE stage to select records that do not contain a specified target string of characters. NLOCATE writes primary input stream records that do not contain the specified string to its primary output stream. If its secondary output stream is connected; NLOCATE writes the unselected input records to its secondary output stream; otherwise they are discarded.


NLOCATE searches for the string within one or more locations of the input record. If you do not specify an inputrange, NLOCATE searches the entire input record. When a single inputrange location is specified; if you do not specify the string operand, NLOCATE writes to its primary output stream only input records of length inputrange –1 or less.


In addition, NLOCATE can select a Set of records which precede and/or follow the target record; writing each Set of records to the secondary output stream, if it is connected; otherwise they are discarded. Records which are not selected are written to the primary output stream. You can also specify that an interleaving separator sepstring is written between each Set of secondary output stream records.






specifies that when NLOCATE compares the contents of an input record specified by inputrange and the target string, the comparison made is non-case-sensitive.




is an integer column, word or field range on which to operate.




specifies that the string operand is a literal string of characters to locate.




specifies that the string operand is a regular expression of characters to locate.




specifies that the string operand is a pattern of characters to locate.




specifies that the string operand is a list of characters, any of which are to be located.




is a string to locate.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is less than the operand; value.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is less than or equal to the operand; value.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is exactly equal to the operand; value.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is not equal to the operand; value.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is greater than or equal to the operand; value.




specifies that the numeric value of the literal string defined by inputrange is located only when it is greater than the operand; value.




is a floating-point double-precision number.




is an unsigned integer which specifies the number of records to select before and/or after a target record.




specifies that count number of records which precede and follow a record that contains the target string are also selected. This is the default.




specifies that count number of records which precede a record that contains the target string are also selected.




specifies that count number of records which follow a record that contains the target string are also selected.




is a string to write after each Set of selected records.


Streams used


The following streams are used by the NLOCATE stage:






Primary input stream

NLOCATE reads records from its primary input stream.

Primary output stream

NLOCATE writes the records which are not selected to its primary output stream.

Secondary output stream

If it is connected, NLOCATE writes the records which are selected to its secondary output stream.


Usage notes



NLOCATE without the count operand does not delay the records. NLOCATE used with the count and BOTH or BEFORE operands; delays every count number of records.



If the NLOCATE stage discovers that its primary input stream is not connected, the NLOCATE stage ends.



If no operands are specified before string, and if string consists of only decimal numbers (0-9), you cannot specify a left parentheses or a number as the delimiting character. For example:


nlocate /5/

is not equivalent to


nlocate (5(

The first NLOCATE stage selects records that do not contain the string 5. The second stage results in an error message, because (5( is processed as a number range rather than a delimited string.



If no inputrange is specified; you cannot specify an asterisk (*) as the delimiting character for string when it consists of only a hyphen (-).



You can use the NLOCATE stage followed by a LOCATE stage to select records of a particular length. For example, the following pipeline displays only those records of the file; myfile.txt, that are exactly 20 characters long:


C:\>pipe< myfile.txt | nlocate 21 | locate 20 | console


To select only null records, use NLOCATE as so:


... | nlocate 1 | ...


If you specify the count operand; NLOCATE will always finish selecting a Set of records before it begins searching for a new occurrence of the target string, for example:


C:\>pipe "lit /A B B C B D/ | split | nlocate /B/ 1 after /---/ | cons"


In the example above; the second occurrence of B is treated as the first record in the Set of records which follow the target record and not the start of another Set. The same is true of the BOTH and BEFORE operands. Once a Set is started, NLOCATE selects the specified number of records before searching for the next target record.



NLOCATE verifies that its secondary input stream is not connected and then begins execution.





C:\pipe “literal /a-b-c/ | literal /d-e-f/ | nlocate wordsep /-/ w3 /c/ | console




C:\pipe “literal /a?b?/ | literal /e??f/ | nlocate fieldsep /?/ f2-3 /f/ | console”




C:\pipe “literal /?a?c?f a??c?e/ | split | nlocate (ws /?/ word 3) /e/ | console”




C:\pipe “literal /afbc adef ghfi fjkl/ | split | nlocate -2;-1 /f/ | console”




C:\pipe “literal /12 1.23e5 -9.5 150000.00/ | split | nlocate == 123000 | console”

See also


Reference the following link for additional information: