< (FILEIN) stage v1.3

Pipelines v2.0


Purpose, Operands, Streams used, Usage notes, Examples, See also





>>__ _<______ __ _________ __ __________ ______________________________________________><
    |_FILEIN_|  |_REVerse_|  |_filename_|
(1) The filename operand is only allowed if the stage is specified in a position where
    its primary input stream is not connected.




Use the < stage to read the contents of a disk file into a pipeline.


< reads the specified file; splitting its input at Line-Feed characters; discarding both individual and groups of Carriage-Return characters and writes the resulting records to its primary output stream. The < stage may be specified in any position where its primary output stream is connected.



When < is specified in a position where it does not have its primary input stream connected; < requires an input filename argument. < will read records from the specified file and for each line/record of the file, < writes an output record to its primary output stream.



When < is specified in a position where its primary input stream is connected; < considers each record read from its primary input stream to be the name of a file to open and read. Each time an input stream record is read that differs from the previous record, < closes the current input file and opens and begins reading the new input file; as specified by the input stream record. In this position, < behaves differently depending on whether or not its secondary output stream is connected.




When the secondary output stream is connected.

Each time < reads a record from the input file, it writes the full directory path and filename of that file to its secondary output stream. < then writes a record to its primary output stream which comprises; a 10-character, right-aligned field which specifies the number of the record read from the current input file, followed by the contents of the record.



When the secondary output stream is not connected.

Each time < reads a record from the input file, it writes a record to the primary output stream which comprises; the full directory path and filename of that file, the hexadecimal character X’FF’, followed by the record number and the contents of the record. The record number is a 10-character field, right-aligned with leading spaces.


When specified in this position, < will not allow the filename operand to be specified.






specifies that the input file is read in reverse record order. That is to say; the last record of the file is written to the primary output stream first, followed by last-1, last-2 and so on until < reaches the physical start-of-file.




is the name of the file to read.


Streams used


The following streams are used by the < stage:






Primary input stream

< considers each record read from its primary input stream to be the name of a file to open and read. < reads from its primary input stream until it reaches end-of-file.

Primary output stream

< writes input file records to its primary output stream.

Secondary output stream

< writes the name of the file that it is currently reading to its secondary output stream.


Usage notes



The < stage does not delay the records.



If < discovers that its primary output stream is not connected, the < stage ends.



When < is the first stage in a pipeline and the file you specify does not exists or cannot be opened due to an error, the < stage will issue an error message and then terminate. However, when the < stage is specified in any other position in a pipeline and the file does not exist or cannot be opened due to an error, the < stage issues a warning message and continues to process its input records.


A BUFFER stage can be used to prevent a pipeline from stalling. See: pipeline stalls for an explanation.



< is designed to allow its secondary output stream to be connected to the secondary input stream of the > (FILEOUT) stage; as in the following example:


**** Top of file ****
01 Address Rxpipe
03 ‘pipe (endchar ?)’,
04    filelist noh drv=c subdir ext=txt’,
05    ‘| specs w5-* 1’,
06    ‘| a: <’,
07    ‘| specs w2-* 1’,
08    ‘| xlate’,
09    ‘| b: >’,
10    ‘?’,
11    ‘a:’,
12    ‘| take *’,
13    ‘| b:’
15 Exit 0
**** End of file ****


The pipeline above traverses all the directories of drive: C and reads each .txt  file and converts the contents to uppercase. The < stage feeds the name of each file it processes to the secondary input stream of the > stage, which simply files back the updated file. Note. This is only an example and should not be run; Pipelines does not issue “are you sure?” messages!


With this pipeline configuration you can only translate records, you cannot delete records or re-order them. Ie) you should not use any stage which will alter the number or order of the records, for example, you should not use stages such as; LOCATE, SORT or TAKE etc.. If you do, the resulting files will be corrupted.



If you need to process multiple files; where records may be discarded or their output sequence altered, See. Processing multiple files which explains how to do this.



< splits its input at Line-Feed characters; discarding both individual and groups of Carriage-Return characters and writes the resulting records to its primary output stream.



< validates the existence of an input file at runtime, as such; < will not raise a missing file error if another stage raises a runtime error before the < stage reaches this validation point.



< verifies that its secondary input stream is not connected and then begins execution.




The following pipeline reads the file: myfile.txt and displays only the third word of each record on the console.


**** Top of file ****
01 Address Rxpipe
03 ‘pipe < myfile.txt | specs w3 1 | console
05 Exit 0
**** End of file ****

See also


Reference the following links for additional information:




History of change










Deny write access to an open input file; this prevents the > (FILEOUT) and >> (FILEAPPEND) stages’ and other external applications from altering the file while it is being read.



The REVERSE operand; which specifies that the input file is read in reverse record order.



< now splits its input at Line-Feed characters; discarding both individual and groups of Carriage-Return characters and writes the resulting records to its primary output stream.



When < is specified in position where it is not the first stage in the pipeline and the file does not exist or cannot be opened due to an error, the < stage now issues a warning message (instead of an error message) and continues to process its input records.