arranging-text-in-vertical-columns.rex |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* The following pipeline reads the file: winston.txt; splits each record into individual words
3 and selects the first 150. Using this list of 150 words, it builds an output which consists of
4 three equal columns of 50 words, 30 characters wide. */
6 Address Rxpipe
8 'pipe (priority 2 endchar ?)',
9 '< &installdrive:\&installpath\examples\input\winston.txt',
10 '| split', /* Split each record into individual words. */
11 '| strip', /* Trim whitespace. */
12 '| locate', /* Discard blank records. */
13 '| take 150', /* Select only the first 150 words. */
14 '| specs recno 1 1-* nw', /* Insert record number in column 1. */
15 '| a: drop 50', /* Route away the first 50 records. */
16 '| b: drop 50', /* Route away the next 50 records. */
17 '| c: specs select 1 1-* 1', /* Read a record from each of the three input streams.. */
18 'select 2 1-* 30', /* ..and build a single output record.. */
19 'select 0 1-* 60', /* ..comprising three columns. */
20 '| cons', /* Display on the console. */
21 '?',
22 'a:',
23 '| elastic', /* Buffer as necessary, the first 50 records. */
24 '| c:', /* Route back to main pipeline. */
25 '?',
26 'b:',
27 '| elastic', /* Buffer as necessary, the next 50 records. */
28 '| c:' /* Route back to main pipeline. */
30 Say 'Hit Enter to close..'
31 Parse Pull
33 Exit 0
**** End of file ****
output |
1 1 It 51 from 101 about
2 2 was 52 entering 102 forty-five,
3 3 a 53 along 103 with
4 4 bright 54 with 104 a
5 5 cold 55 him. 105 heavy
6 6 day 56 The 106 black
7 7 in 57 hallway 107 moustache
8 8 April, 58 smelt 108 and
9 9 and 59 of 109 ruggedly
10 10 the 60 boiled 110 handsome
11 11 clocks 61 cabbage 111 features.
12 12 were 62 and 112 Winston
13 13 striking 63 old 113 made
14 14 thirteen. 64 rag 114 for
15 15 Winston 65 mats. 115 the
16 16 Smith, 66 At 116 stairs.
17 17 his 67 one 117 It
18 18 chin 68 end 118 was
19 19 nuzzled 69 of 119 no
20 20 into 70 it 120 use
21 21 his 71 a 121 trying
22 22 breast 72 coloured 122 the
23 23 in 73 poster, 123 lift.
24 24 an 74 too 124 Even
25 25 effort 75 large 125 at
26 26 to 76 for 126 the
27 27 escape 77 indoor 127 best
28 28 the 78 display, 128 of
29 29 vile 79 has 129 times
30 30 wind, 80 been 130 it
31 31 slipped 81 tacked 131 was
32 32 quickly 82 to 132 seldom
33 33 through 83 the 133 working,
34 34 the 84 wall. 134 and
35 35 glass 85 It 135 at
36 36 doors 86 depicted 136 present
37 37 of 87 simply 137 the
38 38 Victory 88 an 138 electric
39 39 Mansions, 89 enormous 139 current
40 40 though 90 face, 140 was
41 41 not 91 more 141 cut
42 42 quickly 92 than 142 off
43 43 enough 93 a 143 during
44 44 to 94 metre 144 daylight
45 45 prevent 95 wide: 145 hours.
46 46 a 96 the 146 It
47 47 swirl 97 face 147 was
48 48 of 98 of 148 part
49 49 gritty 99 a 149 of
50 50 dust 100 man 150 the
51 Hit Enter to close..