changing-a-csv-field.rex |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* The following pipeline reads the input file: isbn.csv and feeds the records to the
3 called pipeline: parse-csv.rex, which replaces the CSV field delimiter: ',' (comma) with a
4 new delimiting character: x'ff'.
6 The pipeline is then able to use this new field delimiter in the XLATE stage to isolate field
7 number two in order to convert the contents to uppercase. After the translation, the original
8 delimiter is restored and the records are displayed on the console.*/
10 Address Rxpipe
12 'pipe < &installdrive:\&installpath\examples\input\isbn.csv',
13 '| call "&installdrive:\&installpath\examples\subroutine\parse-csv.rex"',
14 ',', /* Current CSV delimiter. */
15 "ff"x, /* New CSV delimiter. */
16 '| xlate fs xff f2', /* Translate field #2 to uppercase. */
17 '| change xff /,/', /* Restore the original field delimiter. */
18 '| cons' /* Display on the console. */
20 Say 'Hit Enter to close..'
21 Parse Pull
23 Exit 0
**** End of file ****
output |
1 1984,GEORGE ORWELL,paperback,978-0451524935,268
2 Animal Farm,GEORGE ORWELL,paperback,978-0451526342,144
3 Brave New World,ALDOUS HUXLEY,hardback,978-0060929879,288
4 "Eats, Shoots & Leaves",LYNNE TRUSS,paperback,978-1592400874,209
5 Fahrenheit 451,RAY BRADBURY,hardback,978-0345342966,208
6 Jane Eyre,CHARLOTTE BRONTE,hardback,978-0142437209,532
7 Wuthering Heights,"EMILY BRONTE",paperback,978-0141439556,416
8 Agnes Grey,ANNE BRONTE,hardback,978-1593083236,256
9 Walden,HENRY DAVID THOREAU,paperback,978-1420922615,156
10 Walden Two,B. F. SKINNER,paperback,978-0872207783,301
11 Hit Enter to close..