counting-records.rex |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* The following pipeline reads all the '.rex' files in the 'Examples' directory, accumulating the
3 count of the total number of records. As each file is processed the name of the file is written
4 to the console, followed at the end of processing with the count total. */
6 Address Rxpipe
8 'pipe (endchar ?)',
9 'filelist noh', /* Generate file list. Don't write a header. */
10 'drv=&installdrive', /* Drive with sub-search option. */
11 'subdir',
12 'path="&installpath\examples"', /* Path to begin searching from. */
13 'ext=rex', /* Extension type. */
14 '| a: fanout', /* Write record to both streams. */
15 '| specs w5-* 1', /* Discard the file stats. */
16 '| <', /* Read each file. */
17 '| count lines', /* Count the records. */
18 '| specs /Total number of records:/ 1 1-* nw', /* Construct output message. */
19 '| cons', /* Tell the user. */
20 '?',
21 'a:',
22 '| specs /Reading file:/ 1 ws /\/ w-1 nw', /* Tell user about file currently.. */
23 , /* ..being processed. */
24 '| cons' /* Tell the user. */
26 Say 'Hit Enter to close..'
27 Parse Pull
29 Exit 0
**** End of file ****