splitting-a-file |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* The following pipeline reads the FetchMail logfile: monkey.log and extracts each
3 group/set of monitor records; based on an ACT label: BC#, CP# and the 'Average' entries.
4 For each log section found; the pipeline creates/appends that set of records to a file
5 with the name of that section.
7 The pipeline is intended to demonstrate how you can isolate sections of a file,
8 and split off and create/append those sections to a specific output file. */
10 Address Rxpipe
12 'pipe (stagesep | endchar ? escape % reg 3)',
13 '< &installdrive:\&installpath\examples\input\monkey.log',
14 '| specs 1-* 1 xff n', /* Append an x'ff' to each record. */
15 '| a: locate', /* Select records that comprise a BC# or CP#. */
16 'anycase ws x20ff w-1 reg /BC[0-9]%|CP([0-9])/',
17 ,
18 /* Surround the output filename with quotes ("). */,
19 '| specs /"&sysdrive:\Documents and Settings\&username\My Documents\/ ',
20 '1 ws xff20 w-1 n \.log"\ n 1-* nw',
21 '| specs /@/ 1 1-* n', /* Pre-pend an (@) character. */
22 '| split after str /@/', /* Split records after the (@) character. */
23 '| b: faninany', /* Join the streams. */
24 '| join until str /@/', /* Collect records until we read a record.. */
25 , /* ..which starts with an (@) character. */
26 '| locate', /* Discard blank lines. */
27 '| locate 1 /"/', /* Select records that begin with a quote ("). */
28 '| split before str /</', /* Split records that begin with a (<). */
29 '| nlocate 1 /</', /* ..and discard them. */
30 '| change xff x0a', /* Change x'ff's to newline characters. */
31 '| cons', /* Display on the console. */
32 '| >>', /* Append this record section to the specified.. */
33 , /* ..output file. */
34 '?',
35 'a:',
36 '| j: locate anycase w1 /average/', /* Select records that begin with: 'average'. */
37 '| specs /"&sysdrive:\Documents and Settings\&username\My Documents\/', /* Surround.. */
38 '1 w1 n \.txt"\ n 1-* nw', /* ..the output filename with quotes. */
39 '| specs /@/ 1 1-* n', /* Pre-pend an (@) character. */
40 '| split after str /@/', /* Split records after the (@) character. */
41 '| k: faninany', /* Join the streams. */
42 '| b:', /* Send the records back to first pipeline. */
43 '?',
44 'j:',
45 '| take *', /* Handle unselected records from second pipeline. */
46 '| k:'
48 Say 'Hit Enter to close..'
49 Parse Pull
51 Exit 0
**** End of file ****