locate-and-mark.rex |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* The following pipeline reads the input file: winston.txt and prefixes each record that contains
3 the literal "winston" with a "-->" followed by the record number. At the end of the output a summary
4 of the records that have been marked is displayed. */
6 Address Rxpipe
8 'pipe (endchar ? stagesep |)',
9 '< &installdrive:\&installpath\examples\input\winston.txt', /* Read input file. */
10 '| specs recno 1 1-* nw', /* Insert leading record number. */
11 '| a: locate anycase string /winston/', /* None-case-sensitive find of.. */
12 , /* ..the word "winston". */
13 '| specs /-->/ 1 1-* 5', /* Mark the record. */
14 '| d: fanout', /* Route to summary pipeline. */
15 '| b: faninany', /* Read any input stream. */
16 '| c: fanin 1 *', /* Read from stream 1 then 0. */
17 '| cons', /* Display on the console. */
18 '?',
19 'a:',
20 '| specs 1-* 5', /* Position record at col 5. */
21 '| b:', /* Route record back to Faninany. */
22 '?',
23 'literal /Mark records containing the word: "winston", with: "-->"/', /* Header. */
24 '| specs x0a 1 1-* n x0a n', /* Surround with blank records. */
25 '| c:', /* Route record back to Fanin. */
26 '?',
27 'd:',
28 '| specs w2 1', /* Isolate the record number. */
29 '| join * /,/', /* Delimit with a comma. */
30 '| specs x0a 1 /Records marked: / n 1-* n', /* Add the description. */
31 '| specs 1-* 1 x0a n', /* Add carriage return. */
32 '| cons' /* Display on the console. */
34 Say 'Hit Enter to close..'
35 Parse Pull
37 Exit 0
**** End of file ****