sort-paragraph.rex |
Pipelines v2.1 |
.....|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....10... |
**** Top of file ****
2 /* arg 1. The number of the paragraph to sort.
3 arg 2. The sort type (a)scending or (d)escending.
5 The pipeline reads its input and selects the specified paragraph and sorts
6 it, writing the result back to its caller.
8 Note. that if any input record contains the hexadecimal characters x'fc'
9 through x'ff'; you will need to substitute the character for another character
10 not present in the record. */
12 Address Rxpipe
14 Parse Arg pnumber type
16 'pipe (endchar ?)',
17 'in', /* Input. */
18 '| literal xfdfe', /* Ensure paragraph is marked. */
19 '| strip', /* Trim off whitespace. */
20 '| a: locate', /* Route out blank records. */
21 ,
22 /* Concatenate groups of records that make up a paragraph. */,
23 ,
24 '| specs xfc 1 1-* n', /* Insert start of line flag. */
25 '| split after str xfc', /* Split into individual records. */
26 '| b: faninany', /* Feed blank records back into pipeline. */
27 '| join until str xfc', /* Join records in current paragraph. */
28 '| c: nlocate xfd', /* Go and mark start of paragraph. */
29 '| d: faninany', /* Feed paragraph marker back into pipeline. */
30 '| split before str xfd', /* Separate records back into paragraph format. */
31 ,
32 /* Select the paragraph that we want to sort. */,
33 ,
34 '| e: fromlab pat /Para#'pnumber'1*/', /* Select records between the start of the.. */
35 '| f: tolabel pat xfd2a', /* ..paragraph and the start of the next. */
36 '| sort anycase' type , /* Sort the paragraph. */
37 '| nlocate /Para#/', /* Discard the paragraph marker. */
38 '| specs recno 1 1-* nw', /* Insert leading record number. */
39 '| g: fanin 1 0 2', /* Merge all the streams. */
40 '| nlocate /Para#/', /* Discard all paragraph markers. */
41 '| nlocate xfdfe', /* Discard start of file marker. */
42 '| change xfd //', /* Discard blank record marker. */
43 '| out', /* Output. */
44 '?',
45 'a:',
46 '| specs xfd 1', /* Indicate blank records with a marker. */
47 '| b:',
48 '?',
49 'c:',
50 '| specs 1-* 1 write', /* Mark the start of a paragraph. */
51 '/Para#/ n',
52 'recno strip n',
53 '| d:',
54 '?',
55 'e:',
56 '| elastic', /* Handle records that come before start.. */
57 '| g:', /* ..of a paragraph. */
58 '?',
59 'f:',
60 '| elastic', /* Handle records that come after the end of.. */
61 '| g:' /* ..a paragraph. */
63 Exit 0
**** End of file ****
Validate the arguments!