Terms |
Pipelines v2.1 |
Where appropriate, a
syntax diagram is used to explain the structure of a term, its operands and default values. |
char |
● |
char is a single character.
You may specify; char, Xchar, Bchar, or the keyword SPACE.
The SPACE keyword is a synonym for the space character; the hexadecimal value
X'20'. |
● |
Xchar Hchar specifies two
characters following the X or H; that defines a hexadecimal value. The X or H
can be specified in uppercase or lowercase. You must not specify any spaces
in the string. There must be two hexadecimal characters in the string. For
example: x31 |
● |
Bchar specifies a string of
0's and 1's, following the B; that defines a binary value. The B can be
specified in uppercase or lowercase. You must not specify any spaces in the
string. The number of binary digits must be 8. For example: b00110001 |
Note. that a B, b, H, h, X or x
character prefix only denotes the start of a binary or hexadecimal value if the
byte which immediately follows is a valid binary or hexadecimal character.
Otherwise the character represents its ASCII character value.
● |
Related API functions
charrange |
● |
is a range of n characters beginning with char. |
● |
char1–char2 is a range of
characters beginning with char1 and
ending with char2. When you specify a
range of target characters, the order of the characters in the range is based
on the hexadecimal representation of the characters. The characters are
arranged in increasing numeric order. For example, a range of 5 characters
that begins with A is in the range A, B,
C, D and E. This
corresponds to the hexadecimal representation: X'41', X'42', X43', x'44' and
X'45'. If the numeric value of
the hexadecimal representation of the ending character is less than the
starting character, the hexadecimal representation of the character that
follows X'FF', is X'01' |
● |
API functions
word or field number range |
Defines a specified location in the
input data as a range of column, word, or field numbers on which the stage operates.
A negative number in the range indicates that the range is relative to the end
of the record. If the range is an unsigned range, then the location is always
relative to the beginning of the record and references relative to the end of
the record are not allowed, otherwise, the location is relative to the
beginning or the end of the record. You can specify a location as follows:
● |
-location is a single column,
word or field number. –location is relative to the end of the record. The
last location in the record is -1. |
● |
location1–location2 location1;location2 –location1;location2 location1;–location2 –location1;–location2 is a range of columns,
words, or fields beginning with location1
and ending with location2,
inclusive. If you specify both locations relative to the beginning of the
record, (that is, you use location1
and location2),
must be numerically equal to or greater than location1. If you specify both locations
relative to the end of the record, (that is, you use -location1 and –location2), location2 must be
numerically less than or equal to location1.
If you specify location1;–location2
or if you specify .–location1;location2,
the position in the record defined by location1
must occur before the position in the record defined by location2. For example,
no positions in the record to locate the target string are searched if you
specify –8;6 for a record that contains 15 columns, since location1 is
positioned after location2
in the record. For
example, the input character string in the following pipeline consists of 4
words that are separated by a space, The operands WORDS 2–4 specify the
second, third and fourth words in the string as the input data for the SPECS
stage: **** Top of file **** 1 Address Rxpipe 2 3 'pipe literal /abc def ghi jkl/', 4 '| specs words 2-4 1', 5 '| console' 6 7 Exit 0 **** End of file ****
output: def ghi jkl
● |
location1-* location1;* -location1;* is a range of columns,
words, or fields, beginning with location1
and ending with the last column, word, or field of the record, inclusive. In
the following example, the pipeline specifies the last eight columns as the
input location for the XLATE stage: **** Top of file **** 1 Address Rxpipe 2 3 'pipe literal /abcdefghijklmn/', 4 '| xlate -8;*', 5 '| console' 6 7 Exit 0 **** End of file ****
output: abcdefGHIJKLMN
● |
*-* *;* is a range of columns, words, or fields beginning with the first column, word, or field of the record and ending with the last column, word, or field of the record, inclusive. |
● |
location.n is a range of n columns, words, or fields beginning
with location.
You can specify any number from 1 to _MAX_INT_ for n. |
● |
Related API functions
Double |
By default a
floating-point double-precision number may contain a value in the range: _MIN_DOUBLE_ to _MAX_DOUBLE_. However, a stage may
specify that it requires a value that is limited to another lower minimum value
and/or upper maximum value.
The following
definitions are considered to be identical floating-point double-precision
● |
Related API functions
inputrange |
● |
1-* the whole record is
operated on by the stage. |
● |
defines a character or
characters that delimit words or fields. |
● |
defines a number of
words or fields, or a number of column positions. |
integer |
By default an integer
may contain a value in the range: _MIN_INT_ to _MAX_INT_. However, a stage may
specify that it requires an integer value that is limited to another lower
minimum value and/or upper maximum value.
● |
Related API functions
minimum and maximum values for a floating-point double-precision number are:
● |
_MIN_DOUBLE_ = -_MAX_DOUBLE_ _MAX_DOUBLE_ = 9223372036854775800 |
_MIN_INT_ and _MAX_INT_ |
minimum and maximum values for an integer and unsigned integer number are:
● |
integer _MIN_INT_ = -_MAX_INT_ _MAX_INT_ = 2147483647 |
● |
unsigned integer _MIN_INT_ = 0 _MAX_INT_ = 2147483647 |
Range |
│ (1) │
(1) Spaces are optional in this position.
separator |
├─WS─────────────┤ └─SPACE──┘
● |
WORDSEParator WS specifies a character or characters
that separate words in an input record. For example, in the LOCATE of the
following pipeline, we use WORSEPARATOR to specify that the dash (-)
separates each word: **** Top of file **** 1 Address Rxpipe 2 3 'pipe literal /a-b-c/', 4 '| literal /d-e-f/', 5 '| locate wordsep /-/ w3 /c/', 6 '| console' 7 8 Exit 0 **** End of file ****
output: a-b-c
A word separator definition remains in effect until the next WORDSEPARATOR specification is encountered. A space is used as the default word separator if you do not specify the WORDSEPARATOR keyword. |
● |
FIELDSEParator FS specifies a character
or characters the separate fields in an input record. For example, in the
JOIN stage of the following pipeline, we use FIELDSEPARATOR to specify that
the question mark (?) separates each field: **** Top of file **** 1 Address Rxpipe 2 3 'pipe literal /a?b/', 4 '| literal /e??f/', 5 '| locate fieldsep /?/ f2-3 /f/', 6 '| console' 7 8 Exit 0 **** End of file ****
output: e??f
A field separator definition
remains in effect until the next FIELDSEPARATOR specification is encountered.
A space is used as the default field separator if you do not specify the
string |
>>──┬─delimited string─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────>>
● |
delimited string A
delimited string starts and ends with the same character. The character must
be any nonblank character that does not appear in the string. For example: /a string/ You cannot use a B, b, X, x, H or h for a delimiting character. |
● |
Xstring Hstring A hexadecimal string starts with an X or H and consists of pairs of
hexadecimal characters. The X or H can be specified in
uppercase or lowercase. There must be an even number of hexadecimal
characters in the string and there must be no spaces. For example: x6120737472696e67 |
● |
Bstring A binary string starts with
a B and consists of 0's and 1's. The B can be specified in uppercase or
lowercase. The number of binary digits must be divisible by eight and there
must be no spaces. For example: b0110000100100000011100110111010001110010011010010110111001100111 |
When a stage specifies that the string
is to be used as a PATTERN of characters, the * and
? characters, and their hexadecimal and binary representations have special
meaning. They are interpreted as wild cards.
● |
* character represents any
group of (optional) characters. |
● |
? character represents any single (required) character. |
● |
Related API functions
integer |
By default
an unsigned integer may contain a value in the range: _MIN_INT_ to _MAX_INT_. However,
a stage may specify that it requires an unsigned integer value that is limited
to another lower minimum value and/or upper maximum value.
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Related API functions