COLLATE stage v1.1

Pipelines v2.1


Purpose, Operands, Streams, Usage, Examples, Related




>>──COLLATE──┼──────────┼── Group ─────────────────────────────────────────────────><
   ┌─1-*─────────────1-*────────────┐  ┌─MASTER DETAILs─┐
   └─columnrange1──┬──────────────┬─┘  MASTER─────────
                   └─columnrange2─┘    DETAILS────────
                                       └─DETAILs MASTER─┘
(1) columnrange1 and columnrange2 are unsigned.




Use the COLLATE stage to match records in its primary input stream with records in its secondary input stream and write the matched and unmatched records to different output streams. The records in each input stream must be in ascending order based on the contents of a key field.


The records in the primary input stream are referred to as master records. Each master record has a key field; a specific range of columns within a record with unique contents that identifies the record. Two master records cannot have the same contents in their key field.


The records in the secondary input stream are referred to as the detail records. The detail records have key fields as well and both the master and detail records should be sorted in ascending order by their key fields. A detail record matches a master record when the key field in both records contains the same data. Two or more detail records can have the same data in their key field.


COLLATE writes records to three output streams if each is connected:


The primary output stream contains matching records. The operands for COLLATE let you specify the sequence of the master and detail records in the primary output stream and whether COLLATE writes both the master and detail records, only the master records, or only the detail records to the primary output stream.

The secondary output stream contains master records that do not have any matching detail records.

The tertiary output stream contains detail records that do not have a matching master record.





specifies that shorter key fields are not extended with a pad character before they are compared with longer key fields in other records. This is the default.



specifies that shorter key fields are extended with a pad character before they are compared with longer key fields in other records.




is the pad character.



is an unsigned integer column range which defines a key field for the master records.

If columnrange1 is not specified, the key field is the entire record for both the primary and secondary input streams. The format of columnrange1 is identical to the format specification for columnrange2.




is an unsigned integer column range which defines a key field for the detail records. If columnrange2 is not specified, columnrange1 defines the key field for both the primary and secondary input streams. You can specify columnrange2 (which is identical to the format specification forcolumnrange1).



specifies that the master record followed by its matching detail records are written to the primary output stream. This is the default.



specifies that only the master records are written to the primary output stream. The matched detail records are discarded.



specifies that only the detail records are written to the primary output stream. The matched master records are discarded.



specifies that the matched detail records followed by their master record are written to the primary output stream.




The following streams are used by the COLLATE stage:







Primary input stream

COLLATE reads master records from its primary input stream.

Secondary input stream

Reads detail records from its secondary input stream. The secondary input stream must be defined.

Primary output stream

Writes matching records to its primary output stream.

Secondary output stream

Writes master records that do not have any matching detail records to its secondary output stream, if it is connected.

Tertiary output stream

Writes detail records that do not have a matching master record to its tertiary output stream, if it is connected.





COLLATE does not delay the records.



If the COLLATE stage discovers that all of its output streams are not connected, the COLLATE stage ends.



The following diagram shows the input and output streams for the COLLATE stage using the default operands:




Although the COLLATE and LOOKUP stages both process master and detail records read from their input streams, COLLATE reads master records from its primary input stream and LOOKUP reads master records from its secondary input stream. COLLATE reads detail records from its secondary input stream and LOOKUP reads detail records from its primary input stream.


Unlike the LOOKUP stage, COLLATE requires that input records be sorted in ascending order by their key field.



COLLATE verifies that its tertiary input stream is not connected and then begins execution.





The pipeline in the following example shows how to specify a COLLATE stage as shown in the preceding diagram. The COLLATE stage reads records from its primary and secondary input streams and writes the contents of its primary, secondary and tertiary output streams to separate files.

   **** Top of file ****
 1 Address Rxpipe
 3 'pipe (endchar ?)',
 4    '< master.txt',               /* Read master records. */
 5    '| c: collate',               /* Find matches. */
 6    '| > matchingrecords.txt',    /* Write matching masters and details. */
 7    '?',
 8    '< details.txt',              /* Read detail records. */
 9    '| c:',                       /* Define secondary stream for COLLATE. */
10    '| > unrefmasters.txt',       /* Write masters without details. */
11    '?',
12    'c:',                         /* Define tertiary stream for COLLATE. */
13    '| > unrefdetails.txt'        /* Write details without masters. */
15 Exit 0
   **** End of file ****



In this example, COLLATE matches records from two files. The records from the file: account.txt are the master records for the COLLATE stage, and the records from the file: accountype.txt are the detail records for the COLLATE stage.


Note: that account.txt and accounttype.txt are in ascending order by their key field; columns 1-19.


account.txt (input)



   **** Top of file ****

 1 Alfred, John       Account Number: 22222

 2 Conners, Steve     Account Number: 98989

 3 Miller, Mike       Account Number: 34567

 4 Niles, Patrick     Account Number: 11188

 5 Smith, Andrew      Account Number: 54545

 6 Smith, Justin      Account Number: 77777

 7 Williams, Janice   Account Number: 88444

   **** End of file ****

accountype.txt (input)



   **** Top of file ****

 1 Alfred, John       Checking            £  350.00

 2 Alfred, John       Savings             £1,300.00

 3 Alfred, John       Money Market        £9,000.00

 4 Conners, Steve     Savings             £   50.00

 5 Smith, Andrew      Savings             £1,999.00

 6 Smith, Andrew      Money Market        £9,999.00

 7 Smith, Justin      Checking            £     .50

   **** End of file ****


The following pipeline reads the two input files: account.txt and accounttype.txt and performs a collate between the two; matching account types against the master account index in order to build the output file: allaccounts.txt.


   **** Top of file ****
 1 Address Rxpipe
 3 'pipe (endchar ?)',
 4    '< account.txt',                   /* read bankinfo.txt */
 5    '| c: collate 1-19 master detail', /* Match the records */
 6    '|> allaccounts.txt',              /* Write matching master and detail.. */
 7     ,                                 /* ..records to bankaccount.txt */
 8    '?',                               /* Start of the second pipeline */
 9    '< accounttype.txt',               /* Read accountinfo.txt.*/
10    '| c:'                             /* Define secondary input for COLLATE */

   **** End of file ****


The resulting output file: allaccounts.txt is shown below.


allaccounts.txt (output)



   **** Top of file ****

 1 Alfred, John       Account Number: 22222

 2 Alfred, John       Checking            £  350.00

 3 Alfred, John       Savings             £1,300.00

 4 Alfred, John       Money Market        £9,000.00

 5 Conners, Steve     Account Number: 98989

 6 Conners, Steve     Savings             £   50.00

 7 Smith, Andrew      Account Number: 54545

 8 Smith, Andrew      Savings             £1,999.00

 9 Smith, Andrew      Money Market        £9,999.00

10 Smith, Justin      Account Number: 77777

11 Smith, Justin      Checking            £     .50

   **** End of file ****



This example uses the same input files as in Example 2; account.txt and accounttype.txt, above, however, the COLLATE stage connects to its secondary output stream in order to write the master/key records that do not have an account type record.


   **** Top of file ****

 1 'pipe (endchar ?)',

 2    '< account.txt',            /* read BANK INFO */

 3    '| c: collate 1-19 detail', /* match records */

 4    '| > balance.txt',          /* write matching detail records */

 5    '?',                        /* start of second pipeline */

 6    '< accounttype.txt',        /* read ACCOUNT INFO */

 7    '| c:',                     /* define secondary streams for COLLATE */

 8    '| > noaccounttype.txt'     /* write unmatched master records */

   **** End of file ****


The resulting output files: balance.txt and noaccount.txt are shown below.


balance.txt (output)



      **** Top of file ****

 1 Alfred, John       Checking            £  350.00

 2 Alfred, John       Savings             £1,300.00

 3 Alfred, John       Money Market        £9,000.00

 4 Conners, Steve     Savings             £   50.00

 5 Smith, Andrew      Savings             £1,999.00

 6 Smith, Andrew      Money Market        £9,999.00

 7 Smith, Justin      Checking            £     .50

   **** End of file ****

noaccounttype.txt (output)



      **** Top of file ****

 1 Miller, Mike       Account Number: 34567

 2 Niles, Patrick     Account Number: 11188

 3 Williams, Janice   Account Number: 88444

      **** End of file ****



In this example, the file: stopwords.txt, contains a list of words to suppress, sorted in ascending order. This user-written stage removes all occurrences of those words from the caller's input stream.


   **** Top of file ****

 1 'pipe (endchar ?)',

 2    'in',              /* Connection from CALLPIPE */

 3    '| split',         /* Split records at blanks and discard blanks */

 4    '| sort unique',   /* Sort records and discard duplicates */

 5    '| c: collate',    /* Match records */

 6    '?',               /* Start of second pipeline */

 7    '< stopwords.txt', /* Read stopwords.txt. */

 8    '| c:',            /* Define secondary streams for COLLATE and.. */

 9     ,                 /* ..write unmatched master records to secondary.. */

10     ,                 /* ..output of COLLATE */

11    '| out'            /* Connection back to CALLPIPE. */

   **** End of file ****



Collate machine snapshots

















Application-wide rewrite.





First version.
